
Showing posts from August, 2017

Digesting the Elephant - Mental Game Part 1

Your Heart in the Muddy Middle        Every race distance is uncomfortable, when you are trying.   Contrary to what we might hope for training will not negate pain. Training will increase the amount of discomfort you can endure, and the distance or speed at which you can go while experiencing that discomfort. But many of us short change the process because we are afraid of a certain pace or think we are losing motivation, and don’t know how to course correct. This usually happens in the middle of a workout, race, or around week 10 of a marathon build-up. How can we begin to train our hearts and brains to become strong alongside our bodies? How can you begin to listen to the part of you that signed up for the race, and not the part that is trying to talk you into hitting the snooze button?         Every good sports movie has the same theme: An athlete or team has a huge goal, and if there is any hope of experiencing a physical breakthrough, there is also an internal battle tha