Do the Plan

At about this time of the year most of us are beginning to reflet on the goals we had for the past season of running. I had been excited to use a systematic plan for the first time this last year. It helped me run faster and more efficiently than ever, getting a best time in my marathon to boot (3:35)!

Because I want to run about 20 minutes faster next year, I'm in the heat of evaluation. While checking for room to improve, and accessing how I did at implementing it I've noticed that the plan was great, but I didn't always do a good job of executing it. The 5-6 time a week runs were hard for my non-runner background to keep up with in a summer of travel and a newborn. Good plan, but probably not the best one for me. I need something that will kick me into gear, but have a certain amount of flexibility and non-running activities to stave off boredom.

While coming down the finish line of my September marathon, I was also finishing up Bob Fryling's "The Leadership Ellipse". I ended the book with a lot of it highlighted and noted. Reading books is often like being mentored by someone for a time, so I try to listen to whatever my mentors are trying to say to me. Bob talked about the importance of having a Rule of Life that he lives by and reflects on regularly. The Rule of Life is something I was familiar with from my interest in Benedictine Monks and their communities. I knew it was something I had always needed, but had failed to follow through with.

The irony has slapped me silly. I had systematically followed a highly regimented plan to achieve my running goals, but I had been to spiritually uninspired to follow through on a Rule of Life. Success in one area of goal setting gives you some guts to set goals in another. Fresh off reaching my marathon and half-marathon goals, I moved towards creating a Rule of Life. Like my marathon plan, it will guide me, correct me, and move me when I don't feel like moving. Also, similar to the Hanson Plan's inability to make me a better runner, the Rule of Life won't make me a better Christian. However, it is putting me in a good spot where it will be more and more difficult for my love for God, His Word, His People, and His Purposes to not grow each season.


  1. Good stuff. I love it. I need to get into a plan for running too!


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