
Showing posts from October, 2017
Road Map to Full Recovery after 13.1 or 26.2 I have run almost 20 marathons, and lost count of how many half marathons I have completed. I have also helped numerous athletes get back to running following a hard endurance effort. These guidelines are a synthesis of the routine I have researched, follow, as well as what I suggest for others. It takes into account that after a hard endurance activity our bodies (Muscles, organs, ligaments, bones …) are damaged. For instance, it is not uncommon to find trace amounts of blood in the urine of endurance athletes after they complete their big goal race. Some of us may have even injured ourselves in pursuit of finishing our race. We do this because we want to find our limit, and now you have to recover after that limit is discovered! Whether or not your race was a world-beater, or beat you up, you are in precarious place. Your body will need time to rebuild, and even grow stronger. If you take this time to recover -- You will grow