
Showing posts from September, 2017

Mental Game Part 2: Ignore Motivation, Just Show-Up

“Here’s a test: Of an activity you do, ask yourself: If I were the last person on earth, would I still do it?” - Steven Pressfield, The War of Art       I’m a Midwest guy who covets the ability to surf. I’ve been to the beach many times, boogie boarded, even watched the international boogie board championships on Oahu’s North Shore in Hawaii. It was the middle of January, and this often photographed beach was producing pipeline after pipeline wave. If you’ve ever seen a screensaver of a surfer effortlessly gliding through a crystal blue pipe it was likely from the North Shore. On this particular January afternoon, waves were cresting at over 20-30 feet. From the beach, the best in the world looked like toddlers holding onto a tiger's tail. I could overhear locals gasp in fearful admiration at the men still going out in such big wave conditions, and lying on their belly no less!         Watching some of the biggest waves at a destination beach that day I was reminded o