
Showing posts from August, 2012

Fun Run

            It get's really easy to forget why running is fun.  Perhaps you've never gotten to the place where it is fun, and I don't think that can happen on purpose. It just occurs, and just as slowly it occurs that running is no longer enjoyable and is just about goals.  Doing the run is no longer the goal, it is no longer an end in itself. When we first start, that's all it is, to be able to complete a 3 mile run is the accomplishment and that's when running is fun. Then after a while it becomes a means to a different end, and that is when the run is no longer fun.         That's how a lot of things are.  At first I read my Bible and that is the accomplishment, then after a while I do it because I need something from it - character change, comfort, solace.  Then when it doesn't happen, reading my Bible is no longer enjoyable, but I keep doing it because I know I need to. Or some of us just stop.         I started trying to do one run a week that ha