
Showing posts from April, 2012

Two-Thirds Red Zone

Did you have a good run? I get that question a lot, whether it is after a race or just a Sunday morning longrun.  I can tell what my answer will be before the run is even over based on how I did at the 2/3 mark. It doesn't matter how long the run is - doing a 5K race, how was I doing at mile 2?  A marathon, how was I doing at miles 18-20?  Those are points in any run where I am far enough from the beginning that the euphoria of a beautiful day and a great run have worn off and I'm essentially tired. Then it is also far enough from the finish that it's easy to mentally wander, get overwhelmed with how far I have to go, and just slip into a gentle effort.  Mentally, it's the muddy middle. A great run isn't made at the beginning, though at the start I can certainly make mistakes that hinder a good run from happening. Nor is a great run made at the finish.  Who blows off 2.75 miles and sprints the last 200 yards and somehow feels like a champ? A great run is