
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Plan

Breaks from running are great. While I've been using this break (January) to plan out my next season of training and a new marathon goal, I'm finding the same old temptations keep rearing up - to plan too many miles with too many of them being too fast. When I've tried doing more than I can handle, it's usually after reading an article on how some elite athlete, who works part-time, is half my age, and cranks out 100+ mile weeks. After reading said article, I try too amp up the miles in March and April, but by June I'm comparing myself too the other end of the spectrum, a novice friend who is just starting. Then I just fall into the routine of four 4-milers a week, until my next big race is a month away at which point I get it into gear again. Neither end is good. Consistency is needed. To develop consistency, for the last year or so, I've been kicking these four principles around in my head and am taking them out for a test drive as I build a Plan fo