
Showing posts from October, 2011

Is Running too Much Cheating?

"Is Running too much cheating?" a friend asked. Interesting thought. She was referring to my recent post on running to little as cheating because that's how most of us think of cheating, running too little. My brain immediately went to the Ten Commandments, not a place of Scripture I usually contemplate on issues of running. However, it makes sense that God told us too rest once a week, and he might know we need the day off. My tendency is too overwork it and run life too hard all the time. I'm most tempted to run on a day off when I haven't done the required runs already that week or month. Then I'm forced into running on days that should have been rest. But I think my friend was asking about running evenmore when the required runs have already been done. To this, I responded that this is cheating. If I run more or less than the plan, I'm cheating. Rest days give me a mental and physical break. They remind me that I am more than my given